Redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) EMMC Change File MIUI 12 (Firmware) Download working 100%
Yes friends, here is the working file which used when you change the EMMC of Mi Redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl), you can download it from below links in this post. Here on this post you can find the total solution and procedure for changing the EMMC of Mi Y2 or S2 (ysl) Through this file you can change eMMC without change CPU and enjoy latest MIUI 12
with UFI box and UMT. This is first solution ever in the world for Mi Y2 or S2 (ysl) because this was the big problem for mobile repairing technicians but now it’s possible, with the help of our video and listed procedure you can also change the EMMC of your Redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) and write the new file which you can download from below link.

This is a modified file compatible with MIUI 10, modified by welcome zone’s engineers, also known as
redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) emmc change file. you can directly flash this Modified file to Mi Y2 or S2 (ysl) and no Y2 or S2 (ysl) EMMC Change File
need for any redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) eng firmware Engineering file or custom binary ROM eng file.
Those people who are in search for the solution for Mi Y2 or S2 (ysl) hang on logo or redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl)
stuck on mi logo, this is to inform you that your searching is over now, here with this modified file you
can solve your mi redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) hang on mi logo or redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) stuck in recovery mode
If your problem is redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) dead boot repair (tulip) so you can download the redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl)
emmc dump file firmware as well as redmi Y2 or S2 (ysl) emmc change file also known as modified file.