IQOO 9 SE 2019I 5G Full Dump File (16GB) Download

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By bablu

Encountering a dead boot or no boot problem with your IQOO 9 SE 2019I 5G (2019I) can be perplexing. However, there’s a solution – flashing the Full Dump File. In this guide, we’ll provide comprehensive instructions on how to effectively address this issue.

Understanding the Process: It’s crucial to understand that directly flashing the Full Dump File onto the IQOO 9 SE 2019I 5G via a USB connection isn’t viable. Instead, you’ll need to utilize a Mipi Tester or Easy JTAG box to connect to the UFS IC for flashing the file using a computer.

Conclusion: By following these outlined steps and utilizing appropriate tools such as a Mipi Tester or Easy JTAG box, you can effectively flash the Full Dump File to rectify dead boot or no boot issues on your IQOO 9 SE 2019I 5G. Exercise caution throughout the process and seek professional assistance if required.

Manufacturer NameProduct NameSerial NumberOEM ID
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Android Info
Android Info
Fw VerTP1A.220624.014 RELEASE-KEYS
S Patch2023-11-01
Android Info
Backup Security Partitions
Reading LUN 0 Part0 PrimaryGPT 0.binDone
Reading LUN 0 Part2 persist.binDone
Reading LUN 0 Part21 BackupGPT 0.binDone
Reading LUN 1 Part0 PrimaryGPT 1.binDone
Backup Security Partitions
Reading LUN 1 Part4 BackupGPT 1.binDone
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Reading LUN 4 Part44 BackupGPT 4.binDone
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Backup Security Partitions
Reading LUN 5 Part2 modemst1.binDone
Reading LUN 5 Part3 modemst2.binDone
Reading LUN 5 Part4 fsg.binDone
Backup Security Partitions
Reading LUN 5 Part7 BackupGPT 5.binDone
Reading AttributeDone
Backup Security Partitions
Reading DescriptorDone
Read Finished
Reading LUN 0 16GB.binDone
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Reading LUN 5.binDone
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Reading LUN 6.binDone

Steps to Flash the Full Dump File:

  1. Gather Necessary Tools: Assemble essential tools including a Mipi Tester or Easy JTAG box, a computer, and the Full Dump File.
  2. Extract the Full Dump File: Download and extract the Full Dump File onto your computer for easy access.
  3. Connect the Mipi Tester or Easy JTAG Box: Disassemble your IQOO 9 SE 2019I 5G carefully to access the UFS IC. Connect the Mipi Tester or Easy JTAG box to the UFS IC following provided instructions.
  4. Launch Flashing Software: Open the compatible flashing software (e.g., Easy JTAG Plus) on your computer.
  5. Initiate Flashing Process: Within the software interface, select the option to flash the Full Dump File and follow on-screen instructions.
  6. Wait for Completion: Allow the flashing process adequate time to complete without interruption.
  7. Reassemble the Device: Once flashing is successful, cautiously reassemble your IQOO 9 SE 2019I 5G.
  8. Test the Device: Power on your device and verify resolution of the dead boot issue.
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